Technology: A Cause Of Digital Dementia

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By: Dr. Abhishek Kumar Pandey, Asstt. Editor-ICN

Human brain is the most advanced natural workforce in the existence of life that organise, calculate, memorise and express the mankind.

Dementia often known as the disease of old. Dementia is not a single disease in itself, but a general term to describe symptoms of impairment in memory, communication, and thinking.

Digital dementia is a term first coined by the neuroscientist Manfred Spitzer in his 2012 book. It was a term used to describe how overuse of digital technology relates to the breakdown of your cognitive abilities.

The excess use of technology leads to unbalanced brain development, as heavy users are more likely to overdevelop their left brains, leaving their right brains underdeveloped.

Overuse of smartphones and gaming devices hamper our brain extensively, causing lateral damage, especially on right side of brain which deficits in concentration, short attention, memory span, emotional disturbance and depression.

This is more of a concern in young children, wherein over-indulgence to digital devices leads to imbalance in brain development.We have become so dependent on technology that our brain functions are rusted.

The big question is- can we reverse it or mitigate the severity of brain damage?? The only simple solution would be to  exercise the brain ,that includes ,read a book, physical exercise, learn a language, play a instrument etc.

The era of human existence from its ability to naturally think and question is moving towards an end and this is all because of our increasing addiction to digital smartness.

There was a time when leisure activities involved solving puzzles, playing memory games etc. But nowadays, free time includes online shopping, Chatting and many more.Many times it happens that you cannot recollect your favourite actor’s name.

And instead of accessing your natural memory in brain, you immediately look it up on the internet. Smartphones have become our mini world with shopping apps, games, songs, mails etc.

Technology is stretching it’s horizon to a whole new level of smartphones, smart TVs and smartwatches.

Rusting the machine which has been continuously working since the birth of man ceasing it’s brilliant capacity and efficiency to work is more or less diabolical. But it is debatable whether it is a boon or curse.

Human brain is the most advanced natural workforce in the existence of life that organise, calculate, memorise and express the mankind. Quite intentionally we have set our brain on the back seat and invented a world of digitalised intelligence.

We are destroying our own innate ability of reasoning and logic with a slowly growing vicious dependency.


1.Ideally, we should use digital devices for no more than 3 hours per day. But this is a challenge for many people nowadays, who are required to spend the whole day at work on a computer. Instead of aiming for this for every day, start by selecting one day to achieve this goal, like Saturday or Sunday.

2.Take regular breaks to get up and move around. This will help your brain rest and create gaps between your prolonged usage.

3.It is important to maintain a normal posture when on your digital screens, for  a prolonged periods of time. Looking down at the device changes the resting state of the brain, which is associated with the decreased levels of alertness.

4.Do more physical exercise to improve your brain’s sharpness.

5.Shut down your Wi-Fi modem and router before sleeping. There is no reason to have the radiation continuously reaching you when you’re not even using the device!

“ Unlike your smartphone, your brain will be with you till the end! “

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